Smart Tourist Destinations (STD) management and security from a systematic and bibliometric review
security management, smart tourism destination (STD), tourism management, safe tourist destination, environmental sustainabilityAbstract
Safety is a critical factor influencing travel decisions, making it a key focus for the academic community in tourism studies. Despite growing interest, there remains a lack of a unified global perspective on tourism safety within the context of smart tourism destinations (STDs). This study addresses this gap by conducting a systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis to examine the scientific work associated with safety, the management of STDs, and their role in enhancing competitiveness. The research aims to identify and analyze key concepts, their interrelationships, and how they have evolved. Furthermore, the study will highlight influential authors, publications, and patterns within the field. The findings will shed light on integrating safety within smart tourism management, offering insights into best practices, emerging trends, and challenges. By doing so, this research contributes to the academic discourse on the interplay between safety and innovation in tourism while providing actionable knowledge for researchers and industry practitioners. Ultimately, the results emphasize the significance of safety as a core component in smart tourism destinations' sustainable and competitive development, reinforcing its role in shaping traveler confidence and destination appeal.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Olga Sánchez González, Ana Belén Bastidas-Manzano, María Alcolea-Parra

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